
Want to double your daily gross revenue, enjoy more of the procedures you like doing and have more freedom of time?
Congratulations on making a decision to check out one of the intro modules. You can either first read about this program to see how it can enhance your life or scroll down to where it says FREE INTRO MODULE VIDEO
Case Acceptance – following a methodical case acceptance strategy that uses specific visual, vocal and verbal communication to inspire your patients is the key to getting commitment to your treatment recommendations and it’s ONLY attainable through the unique Great Profit Strategy (GPS)
Hi, I’m Dr Kinnar Shah.
I’ll introduce myself fully in just a moment.
But right now I want you to look at this GPS Case Strategy blueprint.
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Its application has caused hundreds of dentists to double and some to triple their DAILY gross income.
Yes you read that right. Double or triple your daily gross income!!
It’s the ONLY case conversion strategy that can help you get instant

• Rapport
• Agreement
• Commitment

to your treatment recommendations. It shows you how to come across as a dentist with

• Authority
• Credibility
• Expertise

It will teach you how to use unique visual (body language and micro expressions), vocal (tonality), verbal communication (language patterns).
Imagine increasing your revenue significantly and making a positive difference to your patients at the same time. You will end up with more freedom and time. The best part is having the freedom of choice in life. Imagine growing your business and helping your team achieve their life goals too.
I wasn’t taught how to build rapport, how to ask intelligent questions, how to read their body language and facial expressions, how to use my tone, how specifically to use visual aids, how to discuss options strategically, how not to shy away from talking cost, how to handle objections and how to inspire and impact my patients to commit to my treatment recommendations. I was missing out on a lot of patients walking away. I felt my clinical skills were not getting put to best use.
It was sad. It was frustrating. It was a passion killer.
But because I got interested in human psychology and that we all communicate with 3 modes of communication, I started to learn and master this subject.
Over a period of 12 years, I studied NLP, language patterns, advanced inspiring and influencing techniques, how to modulate my tone and I got to practice all this in my dental practice.
Therefore, I was able to apply all this fine-tuned knowledge to us dentists with our case acceptance. I made it simple and structured. And now hundreds of dentists are using it with tremendous success.
Dentists, who have attended the live seminars and practiced this GPS case acceptance strategy, have shared that previously it was not easy to get patients to commit to major treatment plans. They used to hear the typical “let me think about it” or “I need to dicuss this with my partner” or “let me check my schedule and get back to you”.
But when they learned how to use specific visual, vocal and verbal communication and how to rapidly come across as someone who has credibility and expertise and handling all the smoke screen objections, they started helping many more patients and increase their revenue dramatically.
Check this out. The results speak for themselves:

What Others Said About My GPS Course

See the real problem is that most dentists DO NOT have a methodical strategy for case acceptance.
Most don’t know how to take the patient from start to commitment within 10-15 minutes.
They end up spending over 40-60 minutes only to be disappointed at the end when the patient makes an excuse not to commit.
Moreover, most have not learnt how to apply body language skills and use specific gestures and expressions to build deep rapport.
And most don’t know how to integrate emotional, logical and credibility criteria in their consultations.
Many dentists have tried other case acceptance methods with hit and miss results. It’s because they have not learnt the core psychology of human decision making processes.
This is NOT the fault of most dentists.
The real issue is that dentists find it hard to inspire and positively influence the patients to commit to major treatment plans and keep getting stuck with objections.
The GPS breakthrough case conversion strategy you’re about to learn is totally different.
It’s all about getting AHEAD of everyone else.
And doubling your revenue and making a major positive difference with more patients.
That’s why it’s a unique blueprint with just 4 simple yet super sophisticated steps.
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Trulli You may remember that famous line from the movie : Wall Street.
When trader Gordon Gecko said;
“You’re either on the inside or the outside.”
Well, everyday dentists like you and me have always been on the outside.
I’m sure you’ve noticed this too, right?
Only insiders with access and understanding to special communication techniques were able to convert larger treatment plans consistently.
Most dentists were simply left out of those big cases worth over $5k and over on a daily basis.
That ends today. It simply must for you.
It’s time to be part of the insiders and learn the special case conversion strategy that allows you to be part of this elite group.
Moreover as part of this learning, you will gain access to a BONUS copy of the Hypnotic Language Patterns booklet. It’s a deeper verbal communication used in the science of NLP and is what the top influencers in the world use!
This booklet will give you powerful language scripts to use at will to increase your ability to inspire, influence and impact ANYONE you ever talk to!!
Can you imagine the power of coming across armed with the correct word patterns? You will instantly gain respect from others, including your team members.
And, for those who take advantage of the special offer today, I am giving away tonnes of other bonuses.
Only those who get in early will receive these super and invaluable bonuses!
Most dentists will be left out.
That’s why I urge you to get in right now…
Get ahead of the crowd…
Ahead of the competition and start building returns and rendering amazing service to your patents immediately.
You see when I started my journey as a dentist 21 years ago..
I invested a lot of money on clinical CPD training as that was what everyone told me I had to do to grow significantly.
So over a course of 7 years, I took that advise and spent over $280k in furthering my knowledge and skills.
I believe this has been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. Advancing your clinical skills are a must.
Yet, there was a problem. A huge one!
Even after gaining all these clinical skills and knowledge, I became quite frustrated as my revenue didn’t grow that much.
Moreover I felt disheartened when patients would keep telling me , “I want to think about it”, “I need to go discuss it with my partner”, “let me check my schedule and get back to you”. They never came back. Well most!
All that learning, and it wasn’t getting fully optimised.
So I wondered what the problem with me was. It wasn’t difficult to get patients to case accept the smaller stuff. It was the bigger treatment plans.
I started exploring the success of other industries . I started standing on the shoulders of giants. Those who have made a significant difference in people’s lives. The likes of Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, Richard Branson, Ed Mylett, Eric Thomas and Robert Kiyosaki… to name a few.
And guess what. Booooom. I got it. I got the magic secret to success!
Well it’s not magic. But it felt magical knowing it.
I learnt how they did it. I learnt what the number 1 secret to success is.

Just see what Dr Cath Yang has to say about the GPS case conversion strategy.

Think about it. Our entire business success depends on …?
It depends on interacting and communicating with other human beings. Our team members, our suppliers, our financial institutions, our patients !!! Without the right help, decisions and action from them, we lose.
This was it. I got it. I understood very clearly what I had to do next.
I had to learn communication skills. I’m talking about everything to do with communication skills.
The visual (body language), vocal (tonal) and verbal (specific language patterns) communication skills.
I had to learn how to inspire, influence and impact others to help them make better decisions in life.
As a dentist, I had to learn how to apply this to our patients. How to inspire them to make a decision on improving their health, function and aesthetics.
I mean I had the clinical skills. And learning that never stops for a dentist. But I had to have the ability to get my patients to choose me. I believed in me. I believed I can help my patients. I believe this to be true for you too.
I have spent the last 12 years mastering this subject. It’s grown on me to help other dentists learn it in an easier fashion. Being a triple certified business, leadership and communications coach now, it allows me to help colleagues master this.
Personally, it’s allowed me to have five digit daily production goals. I now work 2.5 days a week doing dentistry. Moreover its the kind of dentistry and procedures I love doing.
It’s given me more time to spend with my loved ones, spend more time pursuing my other passions in life, more freedom to travel and enjoy the simple luxuries of life. The bond with my children has grown significantly.
And of course my stress levels have slide right down.
Designing my destiny has never been better and as much as we don’t like talking about revenue, we all know it’s important. I like to believe that money is a byproduct of giving great service and getting your patients to commit to your treatment recommendations is part of great service.
I am proud to say that I have successfully tripled my daily production goals.
It’s also allowed me grow my practice exponentially. Every provider in my practice has mastered this technique.
I have made this GPS case conversion strategy so easy to learn and apply that I can promise you that you will start seeing results immediately.
That’s the beauty of it. Simple yet Strategic.
You will walk away with the ability to inspire your patients to choose YOU for your treatment recommendations.
You will have this power.
You will see how your patients get drawn to you. How they will start liking and trusting you immediately.
Now it’s time for a decision.
Look, you’ve now seen how you can double or even triple your daily gross income, all by using my GPS case conversion technique.
You’ve seen dentists who are already using it are able to serve more patients, make more revenue and have a more joyful career.
I’ve negotiated a special offer which includes tonnes of bonuses with a one time, keep forever investment of just $1500 That’s like half a crown fee !!
But, wait, for a limited time only, there’s an even better special offer. Scroll down to read more.
The way I see it you have 3 options:
Option #1:
Do absolutely nothing and stay exactly where you are right now.
If you are happy with your current daily income and patient goals and you have enough to retire and not worry about building a saving for your golden years..
Then maybe you don’t need this GPS strategy.
But if you’d like to make extra income, serve more and enjoy more of high end dentistry, that leaves you with two other options.
Option #2:
Do it yourself.
Learn from various books and resources that are out there
Try to analyse all of them.
Pick up the right methods and keep practicing them and coming back to the drawing board to figure out what’s working and what’s not.
Option #3:
Grab this intense yet simple to apply GPS formula and let it guide you to bring out the best of you and teach you how to double/triple your gross daily income, have more freedom and enjoy the dentistry you love doing.
This program is packed with wisdom you wish you had known earlier.
Over 200 minutes of value that you can learn at your own pace.
The program will keep you motivated and energised throughout.
For a very limited time, I’m giving away this program for only $900.
That’s another $200 discount compared to the regular price.
Including all the bonuses ($900 worth) mentioned below. These bonuses are only available for the first 100 sign-ups!
Just to get a taste of what you’re going to get in this course, here’s one of the introductory videos to get you started!

(Eligible for 6 CPD Points)



Thank you for choosing to purchase this program.
May it help you exponentially grow. I can promise it will
To Your Success,
Dr Kinnar Shah
Certified High Performance Coach
Certified Gallup Strengths Coach
NLP Leadership & Business Coach
Advanced Psych-K Facilitator
Digital Marketing Specialist

Course Curriculum

  • Introduction
  • Welcome to the course / Meet The Trainer
  • DOWNLOAD: Your Course Workbook
  • BONUS: Your eCopy of: NLP & Hypnotic Language Patterns
  • Overview Of The 10 Strategies To Exponentially Grow Your Practice
  • The 3 Components of Success
  • Module Introduction
  • State
  • Style
  • Smile
  • Module Introduction
  • Serve
  • SPIN
  • Sensory Acuity
  • Module Introduction
  • SAT
  • Screen
  • Solutions / $
  • Module Introduction
  • Satisfied
  • Summarize
  • Sell Pace Lead
  • What’s Next?
  • Contact Us
  • Bonus Ebooks

Bonus material worth over $900

Including extra bonus content of over 30 different resources for a limited time only!


and much more!